February 13, 2014

Book Review: The Devotion of Suspect X

I picked this book after I saw a lot of my friends gushing about it- something that had gone wrong for me several times (eg: Google Story, books by Danielle Steele, etc.). Very rarely do I let my friends’ or even family’s recommendations influence my book buying or book reading but I made an exception in this case, largely because I have to admit the hype eventually got to me.

The Devotion of Suspect X’ is a whodunit in the classic sense of the word. The book reminded me of the Agatha Christie books I had read in my childhood, without the (somewhat entertaining I must admit) shenanigans of Poirot. However, in a way, I found the book to be Agatha Christie 2.0, because it burns slowly (just like Christie’s plots) inevitably towards a logical, extremely soul satisfying climax. However, unlike Christie's books in which the first 80% of the book is just the story moving along glacially until Poirot ties it all up magically at the end, every chapter, every page is a potboiler in its own capacity; the murder, the investigation- each small step of it unfolding like pieces of an intricate and yet incredibly simple jigsaw puzzle.

This is one book you will regret putting down, everytime you inevitably have to. The simple desire to know what happens next made me finish it in a couple of days flat and the story lingered on in my head, everytime I put the book down.

Ten on ten. Completely un-missable.

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