March 15, 2014

Buoyed by support on Twitter, AAP to form government with its Twitter handle

The support for AAP on Twitter is incredible. Too bad Twitter does not equal India.

Despite being ridiculed by TV and print media for labelling media channels as ‘paid’ and threatening to jail them, support for Arvind Kejriwal and the Aam Admee Party continued to grow on Twitter with hashtags such as “#IsupportAKforPM” and “#IlikeAshutoshDespiteHisBadSpellings” trending nationally. Boosted by this development, Arvind Kejriwal has staked claim to form a government on Twitter using the Aam Admee Party Twitter Handle.

“We are trending for three days now and everybody knows Twitter is the only non-paid media left,” Kejriwal said in an exclusive interview with this Faking News reporter. “So we are going ahead and forming an AAP government on Twitter. All followers of Modi and Tweeple from paid news media channels will be blocked on Twitter.”

When pointed out that the population on Twitter barely comprised 2% of India’s population, Kejriwal grew livid. “Saare aam admee krantikaree ab khalee Twitter pe hee hain,” he said, adding a cough for effect.

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