September 8, 2010

About Hari

Hari Parmeshwar is a cool name. First, both the first and the second names mean God… which has been my intention all through:- take a guy, God-like but corrupted & confused and place him in a B-School, in a recession and then, enjoy his torture from the sidelines.

So that I would not be tempted to infuse too much of my own voice into Hari’s, I decided (took some convincing with Mani Ganesh, who thought I was going overboard, slightly, though Bastard is his favorite character too) to place Bastard in the book- who doesn’t really describe me to the “T” but whose voice is really my own. Hari too, like Meenakshi, is then uninspired (from real life), unreal and unique- a character of flesh & blood, who doesn’t really exist in flesh & blood.

And aah, the second reason why the names is cool? Coz his name abbreviates to HP; same as Harry Potter.


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