The unfortunate truth is that today anybody can get published. That, of course, includes me.
I am now in the midst of hundreds (maybe thousands) of authors- most of whom do not even know the very basics of the English language. English is subverted, perverted, converted by people who, in my opinion, should- be made to stand in one straight line against a brick wall and shot to death- not allowed to write books and call themselves authors. To bend the rules, you have to learn them first, kids!
The sad part of all this is that people today ask me "So, yours is a 100 rupee book too?" Those ruddy 100 rupee books with "Love" in their titles and a picture of a couple kissing/ hugging/ fornicating on their covers with what passes as English today underneath. Smiling pictures of "authors" on the inside jacket, orgasming at the thought of their semi-autobiographical piece of semi-pornographic trash set at large for the whole world to tolerate.
I am not one of those people who go through life reading books or listening to music just so that they can show off in front of others. I intrinsically understand beauty. I have not read Neruda or Dostoevsky; but I have read more books in my 25 years than most people will read in their lifetimes. But still, I do not speak from a position of authority; only from a position of mind numbing frustration.
You want to write to book?
Go home, kid. Learn some grammar first.